Who is the founder of ISMOKE and what is their background in cannabis?

The founder of ISMOKE is Tyler Green, a cannabis specialist from the UK with extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. Green launched ISMOKE in 2011 as a cannabis website dedicated to providing information and expert resources for cannabis users in the UK.

Who is the founder of ISMOKE and what is their background in cannabis?

The founder of ISMOKE is Tyler Green, a cannabis specialist from the UK with extensive knowledge and experience in the industry. Green launched ISMOKE in 2011 as a cannabis website dedicated to providing information and expert resources for cannabis users in the UK. Since then, ISMOKE has become the leading cannabis channel in the UK, covering a wide range of topics and launching successful video series, such as strain reviews, product reviews and interviews.

The voice of ISMOKE cannabis users

is more than a website or a channel: it's the voice of cannabis users in the UK.

With Green at the helm, ISMOKE has become a reliable source of accurate and up-to-date information on everything related to cannabis. As an expert in the field, Green is dedicated to educating and empowering cannabis users, providing them with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their cannabis use.

Expert knowledge about cannabis

One of the key features of ISMOKE is its expert knowledge about cannabis. Green's experience in the industry, combined with his passion for educating others, have made him a leading authority on everything related to cannabis.

Through ISMOKE, he shares his extensive knowledge and experience with others, helping to end stigmas and misconceptions surrounding cannabis. ISMOKE, the UK's number one cannabis channel, has quickly become the go-to source for everything related to cannabis in the UK. With its extensive coverage of various topics and engaging video series, it's no surprise that ISMOKE has earned the title of the number one cannabis channel in the UK. Green's dedication to providing high-quality content and industry experience have helped ISMOKE gain a loyal following and establish itself as a leader in the UK cannabis community.

Founded by Tyler Green

As mentioned above, Tyler Green is the founder of ISMOKE. With a passion for cannabis and a desire to educate others, Green saw the need for a reliable and informative resource for cannabis users in the UK. He was responsible for filling this gap and launched ISMOKE in 2011. Since then, he has been the driving force behind the success of the website and channel, constantly striving to provide valuable content for his audience.

The experience of Green, a cannabis specialist from the UK, goes beyond being a passionate consumer. He is also a specialist in the field, with a deep knowledge of the plant and its various uses. This experience is evident in the content he produces for ISMOKE, which is always well researched and informative. As a UK cannabis specialist, Green is dedicated to promoting responsible and informed cannabis use in his country.

Extract reviews, product reviews and more

ISMOKE offers a wide range of content for its audience, including extract reviews, product reviews, and cannabis guides. These resources are invaluable for cannabis consumers who want to keep up to date on the latest products and trends in the industry. Green's expert knowledge and honest opinions make these reviews and guides a reliable source for those looking to make informed decisions about their cannabis use.

Information about cannabis-related events

In addition to its regular content, ISMOKE also provides information about cannabis-related events that take place in the UK.

This includes festivals, conferences, and other gatherings that are relevant to the cannabis community. By keeping its audience informed about these events, ISMOKE helps bring like-minded people together and promote a sense of community in the UK cannabis scene.

Guide and database of cannabis varieties
For those looking for information on specific cannabis varieties, ISMOKE has it all. The website features a comprehensive variety guide and database, which provides detailed information on several strains, including their effects, flavors, and origins.

This resource is a valuable tool for both novice and experienced cannabis users, helping them to make informed decisions about which varieties are best suited to their needs.

Cannabis Magazine

In addition to its online presence, ISMOKE also has a print magazine that is published quarterly. The magazine features detailed articles, interviews and reviews, offering readers a deeper view of the world of cannabis. With its high-quality content and beautiful design, ISMOKE magazine is a must-read for any cannabis enthusiast.

In conclusion, Tyler Green's passion for cannabis and his dedication to educating others have made ISMOKE the leading cannabis channel in the UK. With its expert knowledge, informative content and engaging video series, ISMOKE has become the go-to source for everything related to cannabis in the UK. As the founder of ISMOKE and a cannabis specialist in the UK, Green continues to push boundaries and break the stigmas surrounding cannabis, which has a positive impact on the industry and its consumers.

Chris Striker
Chris Striker

Chris Striker is a renowned fitness guru with a unique blend of passions that set him apart in his field. With a deep interest in digital technology and cannabis, Chris has carved out a niche for himself that transcends traditional fitness boundaries. His approach to fitness is holistic, incorporating the latest digital tools to enhance training and performance, while also advocating for the potential benefits of cannabis in wellness and recovery. His innovative methods and forward-thinking perspectives have established him as a trailblazer in the fitness industry, inspiring others to explore new avenues in their own health and wellness journeys.